Thursday 30 October 2008

Using Twitter in Facebook

Following the Twitter-craze at the IoW conference, I decided to do my bit and explain how I am using Twitter, Twitterfeed and Twhirl to automatically send updates to my Facebook status. This means that I can update my status from my desktop application, and my friends are automatically notified when I publish a new blog post. In fact, after writing this post now, people on Facebook will be able to see it within the hour. Hopefully!

First of all, you need to download and install Twhirl which will run from your desktop. As you can see here, I have added an update by typing into the input box:
Next, you need to install the Twitter Facebook application, which will give you an option to automatically update your status:

Now, from Twhirl, you can update two things at once! With the power of Twitterfeed, you can also automatically post new blog titles to your Facebook status!

A time saver, and also a great way to let friends know when you have blogged!

And here is the update appearing the the Facebook feed:

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