Monday 27 October 2008

Creating a Movie in Picasa 3

Picasa, Google's photo organiser, has just launched version 3. Included is a much better, and still very simple, movie maker. Just import pictures from a digital camera or phone, add to your library, select them, and then click on "create movie". You then have the option to change slide transitions, the length of time each slide is shown for, and even to add movie from your music library.

You then have the option to upload your movie to Youtube, embed it straight into Blogger, or add it to your Picasa web space. Here is an example of some posters I did in Korea, which I took pictures of, and then made into a movie:

I have used this to make quick shows out of students' work, or after an event such as our puzzle challenge day. Other options would include Windows Movie Maker or iMovie.

All the drawings are my own - except Mickey who was drawn by a colleague!

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