Saturday, 7 August 2010

Maths Jokes

One thing I really enjoy is having a laugh in my classroom - but I try to make my jokes mathematically based. I've enjoyed following #mathjokes on Twitter, and have contributed a couple of my own, but I thought it would be nice to record them here too. I'm not claiming complete originality, but I did think these up on my own. Enjoy, and use with care...

What do you call a man trapped in a Toblerone?
A Prism-er

What did the Italian say when the witch removed her six-sided curse?
Hex-a-gon (said in very Italian accent!)

I've tried thinking up some great jokes about Mean, Median and Mode, but they were all about average...

Ben and Daisy were going to a maths conference in Bristol by coach. The got on the coach, but arrived in Brighton. Daisy turned to Ben and said, "I think we got the Rhom-bus"...

Sir, please can I have a ruler...
Ok, how about Henry VIII?

Why was George Lucas not very good at algebra?
Because he put r2d2, not d2r2...

For a full list, have a look at these gems!

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